the bump birthing center

Cal’s Birth Story

Cal’s birth was one of the most special, amazing experiences that we’ve experienced! When I got pregnant, my due date was a bit confusing. There was the due date based on my last missed period, but I knew I had ovulated late, so there was also the due date based on the dating ultrasound.  Both … Continue Reading

increase your child's autonomy

5 Ways To Increase Your Child’s Autonomy

When you have a crying, tantrum-ing, beautiful little human, it can be hard. If you feel like your child is wonderful 80% of the time, but achingly difficult that other 20%, you’re not alone. This is pretty common in the younger years, especially during toddlerdom, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy for the parents! We’re … Continue Reading

It’s Okay To Be Sad Sometimes

Today, I was in the middle of working out when my daughter told me that our dog had an accident. What I thought would turn into a two-minute thing ended up being an hour long. Because the “accident” was actually a sick dog from last night, so everything that came out of her mouth and … Continue Reading